Advocating for Women and Girls Persecuted for their Religion or Belief
Women and girls face distinctive forms of persecution because of their gender and religion or belief identity. This gender-specific experience of persecution often is intensified by their social-economic status and cultural norms. These and other factors often make them targets of more hidden forms of persecution including torture, rape, abduction, and forced marriages, conversions and renunciations of their faith. WATCH VIDEO OF THE SESSION here.
Elizabeth Lane Miller, Women’s Persecution Specialist, Open Doors
Kalbinur Gheni, Sister of Renagul Gheni, RPOC in China
Dr. Samina Salim, Indian American Muslim Religious Freedom Defender
Sharifah Shakirah, Founder of Women and Refugee Rights Coordinator, FreeRohingya Coalition
Judith Golub, FoRB Advocate (Moderator)
Sponsors: IRF Roundtable Women’s Working Group, 21Wilberforce and BPSOS