The Complex Persecution Women and Girls Face for Their Religious Beliefs
Too many people around the world are persecuted for their religion or belief. While statistics, when they are available, document this persecution, people can argue over what they mean and they can numb us into believing that events are beyond our control. In the divisive time in which we now live, advocating in support of religious prisoners of conscience, especially women and girls who suffer the often-devastating consequences of unjust and discriminatory laws and/or practice, make real the consequences of these laws and practices, can help generate action and change, and brings people together as they work for their freedom.
In the Spring of 2022, First Amendment Voice hosted this panel focused on international religious freedom, the complex persecution women and girls face for their religious beliefs, and efforts that can be taken, individually and in community, to advocate on their behalf. WATCH A VIDEO OF THE SESSION here.
Judy Golub, FoRB Advocate
Elizabeth Lane Miller, Women’s Persecution Specialist, Open Doors International
Lou Ann Sabatier, Director of Communications, 21Wilberforce (Moderator)